
'Take Control of your Money' campaign launched with action plan for special energy support route

On Monday 28 March, Her Majesty Queen Máxima, honorary president of the SchuldenLabNL foundation, launched the 'Take Control of your Money' campaign. The national campaign aims to give people control over their money, through the platform. In addition, energy companies Eneco, Essent, Greenchoice and Vattenfall, together with the NSR (Nederlandse Schuldhulproute - 'Debt Support Route Netherlands') partnership and SchuldenLabNL, presented an action plan for a special 'energy support route'.

Queen Máxima indicated that she empathised with people with money worries and financial problems. There seems to be a taboo on talking about this openly. This is why the Geldfit campaign is important. Not only to reach people who are already seeking support, but also people who are reluctant to speak about the issue. The sooner support is provided, the greater the chance that the problem will not escalate. Collaboration between public and private parties is essential in realising this support. On top of this, the collaboration for the energy support route also offers many great opportunities in this regard.  

‘Take Control of your Money’
The 'Take Control of your Money' campaign helps people to gain insight into their financial situation and get support in case of financial problems. The theme has become even more topical due to the rising energy prices. Groceries and fuel have also become more expensive. More people are experiencing financial worries or problems as a result.

At the website or via the national telephone number 0800-8115, people can gain insight into their financial situation after a short anonymous test. Depending on the outcome, individual advice is provided on becoming or remaining financially healthy. Specifically for people with financial concerns regarding the energy bill, a special energy support route is now also being developed, with a focus on financial assistance and energy saving.

Energy companies' action plan for energy support route
In view of the increasing number of questions about energy bills at both NSR and the energy companies themselves, Eneco, Essent, Greenchoice, Vattenfall, NSR and SchuldenLabNL have taken the initiative to develop an action plan for combatting energy poverty. Their aim is to help people to save energy with the use of tips and resources, or a visit from an energy coach. They will also point the way towards existing financial schemes, such as the government compensation of € 800 made available for minimum-income households. Options to help people who nevertheless run into payment problems are also examined.

Information about the energy support route will soon be available on or via telephone number 0800-8115. The cooperation partners hope in this way to guide people with financial concerns to appropriate measures at an early stage to keep their energy bills affordable.

NSR was founded in 2019 as a partnership between public and private parties and is committed to  financially health in the Netherlands. It is one of the seven debt relief methods that the SchuldenlabNL foundation is scaling up. This foundation was established in 2018 with the aim of making the Netherlands debt-free. Queen Máxima became honorary president of SchuldenlabNL in 2022.
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Coen de Ruiter, Henriette Setz, Cindy Kroon, As Tempelman, Her Majesty Queen Máxima, Gerrit Zalm and Hennie Duteweert.