
Learning solution from Geldfit and Eneco: helping to identify customers with money problems and offering the assistance they need


Geldfit and Eneco are proud to announce the launch on 1 September of the pilot for a learning solution called ‘Geldfit - You can make a difference’. This online learning module trains employees in identifying customers who have money problems and offering long-term solutions. This brings suitable assistance closer, and helps to limit debt, or even avoid it entirely. The elearning module, which was developed in partnership with L&D Talents, will be made available to all Geldfit partners in early-2024.

Making a social and financial difference
This module is urgently needed, Hiske Zandvliet (Companies Adviser at Geldfit) knows. “Even now, customers are not getting the right help or being referred to long-term assistance when they need it. Counsellors highlight that sometimes they have no idea what to do.” Misunderstanding about what Geldfit does and employees’ own assumptions also sometimes interfere with obtaining the proper help. “And society’s huge debt problems mean that the module is even more important. This is an issue that faces every organisation with paying customers.”

Customers with money problems are now often handed over to other organisations. Sometimes, their energy is shut off needlessly. “This is where we can make a real difference together, both socially and financially,” explains Hiske. “If we can learn to work together better, recognise the signs early on and immediately offer useful and long-term help, we can help customers to overcome their debts and stay part of the process. This is not just about what is right for the customer and the organisation, it also helps to minimise the cost of debt of society overall.”

Interactive learning
Eneco’s employees and partners can start taking the interactive online module on 1 September. The module consists of a series of videos, audio fragments, knowledge quizzes and open questions. Employees and partners learn about matters such as the social impact, how Geldfit points people in the direction of the right help, what interventions are available for help and how to make a difference for the customer. “But the module also includes practical tools for recognising signs of money problems, and useful templates for talking to customers, which help to achieve the desired learning outcome,” explains L&D Expert Denise Goor.

This makes the module more than simply a process of knowledge transfer. “Customers receive better help, and it creates quality assurance between partners.” The result is a hit, she has seen. “Before, money problems were confusing to many of our people. This module makes offering help very concrete all of a sudden. It not only provides tips and hints, it also helps to initiate a dialogue about money problems.”

Fighting prejudices and taboos
Prejudices about money problems are also often a factor, whether or not they are conscious, Hanneke van der Woud (Partner Manager at Eneco) has noticed. That is why the module not only provides practical tools, but also raises awareness about money problems. “This module makes employees think for themselves: how do you regard money? It is not an arrears of ‘just one bill’ or ‘just 600 euros’. Employees will discover that they can make a real difference, right there on the telephone, for people with money problems.” With its social aspects, this module is venturing into new territory for Eneco. “But we expect that it will have a huge impact.”

This awareness extends beyond the workplace, explains Esmeralda de Jong (Companies Adviser at Geldfit): “The module helps employees to see that this help is not just for customers, but also for themselves or for the people around them. So we tell them to keep an eye out for friends, neighbours and family with money problems.” This is an important social message, she highlights. “Money problems affect all of society. If we all appreciate this more, we can help to overcome the taboo. We can also prevent money problems from growing into major financial difficulties.”

Structurally working to overcome money problems
The module is urgently needed, Hiske has noticed. “Customer service and credit management departments in particular will benefit from this interactive module about money problems. They are the ones who are in direct contact with customers.” More and more companies are seeking out Geldfit. Rapid staff turnover in customer service departments is forcing companies to constantly train new people. They are looking for structural foundations for handling customers with money problems. “They literally ask us to help them to keep the topic alive. This interactive module will definitely help with that.”


*Foto by Hans en Lidy